Reiki Energy Healer & Sound Bath Practitioner

I offer reiki sessions and crystal singing bowl sound bath experiences.

To book a session please text or call me at 816 617 2613 or email

My offerings



What is Reiki?

Reiki is a gentle hands-on energetic healing modality that activates your body’s innate healing capabilities. It promotes deep relaxation and healing for your body, mind and soul.

What is Distant Reiki?

Reiki can also be practised remotely. This is because it is energy based and energy transcends time and space. This enables us to meet together no matter where you are in the world!

What does a Reiki session look like?

We spend the first few minutes setting an intention for the session, and this is based on whatever is going on for you in the moment. You then get to relax on my table for about 45 minutes while I open up the healing channels. I then finish up our time together by sharing any energetic observations from the session that can prompt further healing.

Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath

What is a crystal singing bowl sound bath?

A sound bath is a meditative experience involving a sound practitioner playing crystal bowls or vibrational instruments. The vibrations of sound can induce a state of relaxation and tranquility for your mind, body and soul. This sound can also stir and release blocked energy and emotions and take us to a place of greater self-awareness.

How does it work?

“There’s no organ system in the body that’s not affected by sound and music vibration.”
—Mitchell Gaynor, MD, author of Sounds of Healing

Water is an excellent conductor of sound, and since our bodies are mostly water, we embrace these vibrations with no effort. Research has shown that sound healing might help to reduce blood pressure and stress, as well as ease pain and anxiety.

About me

I am a seeker; constantly learning and evolving. I believe that we are all connected through Divine Energy that gives us life beyond our physical selves. Love, authentic connection and the multidimensionality of the human spirit and psyche are what inspire me.

I received my Usui Reiki Master Level 1, 2, and 3 by April 2019 and have been practising Reiki ever since. My presence in the energy healing space constantly evolves into expanding skills as I do my own inner work and tap into deeper aspects of my own light and dark. We need both to feel and embody our wholeness and reiki has played an enormous role in that for me.

I mentored with one of the world’s most gifted singing bowl teachers Ashana, in early 2021 and continue to explore sound healing. I love to hold sound baths for private and group settings and am continuously amazed at how the vibrations of crystal singing bowls can transport us to healing spaces.

I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication. Before becoming a mother I worked as a producer for pharmaceutical media in NYC. This is where I met my husband, John. We have 3 precious children and live amongst the trees in beautiful Mendham, New Jersey.